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Behavior & Training

How Can You Train Puppies Not To bite
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My first puppy was the love of my life. We were soulmate and inseparable. However, one thing I did not like about his company. I am talking about his biting my toes habit. Puppy’s biting habit may sound cute and relatively harmless but trust me it is neither good for you nor your puppy. I later learned some tricks and those tricks stopped my puppy’s biting habit. In this article, I am going to share those simple tricks with my fellow puppy parents.

12 Easiest Dog Breeds To Train
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Most people looking for a dog want a breed that’s easy to live with. Easily trained breeds typically fall under this description and while all dogs can be trained, there are some that are easier than others. All dogs are individuals, of course, so this list is a broad generalization of which breeds are usually fairly easy to train basic obedience and house manners.
Some must know facts about Tibetan Mastiff
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In the pyramid of guard dogs and those with a glorious history, Tibetan Mastiffs sit at the pivotal top. They have roamed with the likes of Genghis Khan and Atillia the Hun. They are as mysterious as the high mountains of the Himalayas, and as intriguing as the stories of Tibet. They understand humans well and are credited for being ferocious guard dogs with strong loyalty to the family.
The Top 10 Easiest Dog Breeds to Train And Why You Need To Get One Of These Dogs
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College goers who become parents of a new dog have easy choice, they get an affordable dog. However, things are tougher for people who earn well. I am not mocking anyone, but most people with money have a tough time finding the right dog. They try to get a dog which looks cute as a puppy. All dogs are cute. However, some dogs which look cute are very hard to train, and then there are dogs which are not suitable for house with kids. If you know nothing about different dog breeds then read this article as I am going to talk about

What Will You Do When Your Dog Doesn't Listen To Your Command?
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Is it possible to train Your Dog to Come Back to You When You Call Come? Yes. But it will never be an easy task, you can be an experienced dog trainer or a first time dog parent, many times your dog will not listen to your command. In simpler terms he will disobey you. Here are my tips to deal with a disobedient dog.

Some must know facts about Tibetan Mastiff
by Our Author
In the pyramid of guard dogs and those with a glorious history, Tibetan Mastiffs sit at the pivotal top. They have roamed with the likes of Genghis Khan and Atillia the Hun. They are as mysterious as the high mountains of the Himalayas, and as intriguing as the stories of Tibet. They understand humans well and are credited for being ferocious guard dogs with strong loyalty to the family.
Bernese mountain dog as a pet, good or bad?
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The Bernese Mountain Dog is steady-tempered and easygoing.
Can small apartment owners afford to get a large dog as pet?
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Can a Big Dog Live Happily in a Small Home?
Coton de Tulear, a good puppy for home?
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Sweet and cuddly dog breed with a clownish personality, the Coton de Tulear is always ready for a good time. This smart little dog with the cottony coat originated in Madagascar and is related to the Bichon Frise and the Maltese.
A bitter truth, but as a pet lover you must know
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Do a web search for “hypoallergenic dogs,” or for that matter go right to a seemingly authoritative source such as the American Kennel Club website, and you’ll find lists of breeds that “produce less dander” and so should, theoretically, not reduce your allergic partner or kiddy or grandma to fits of sneezing.
What Dogs To Buy For People With Disability? And How To Train Them For Help?
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People with disabilities face tough challenges every day. Life is hard for them. Giving handicap people a dog is a great idea. Dogs can make great companions. A person feels awkward when he or she needs to ask another person for some help. But no one feels awkward when they are with a dog. Dogs can work better than therapy.

Make Your Dog Vet And Groomer Friendly
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Does your dog hate all human beings besides you and your family members? Then he is not alone. Many dogs hate their vets, groomers. This can be a real problem as you cannot avoid taking your dog to the vet or groomer. You need to teach your dog to like his vet and groomer.

Trust me, dogs normally like people, so training your dog to like his groomer and vet will not be a hard job. He needs to understand his vet and groomer are not trying to hurt him.

How To Introduce Your Baby To Your Dog And Make Them Love Each Other
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Dogs see their owners as their parents; I am sure all dog owners also see their dog as their child. Problem occurs when owners bring home their human child. Like an older sibling dogs get jealous of new baby. Your dog thinks your baby is going to steal all the attention.

Dogs and babies make great friends, but only after they spend some time with each other. You need to give your dog some time. But you can actually train your dog to like your baby, here is how.

How To Teach Your Dog Etiquettes Of Dinning
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My first dog was “the beast” of the house when I first got him. He used to sit beside our dining table, and after ten minutes he used to make a mess of our foods. He used to act wild in front of food.

I understood I needed to do something. I researched and I found easy ways to teach my dog table manners. I am going to share my tips for teaching dogs dinning etiquettes with you. Remember, you need to work fast; you should start training your dog when he is still a puppy.

Easy Ways To Train Your Dog How To Swim
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Swimming is the best way to relax but swimming with your dog is the best possible activity ever. Swimming burns thousand of calories, it is also good for mind. Imagine taking a swim with your dog at the end of a tiring office day.

I swim with my dogs. But I needed to teach them swimming. Not teach swimming, as dogs like other animals know how to swim from birth. But dogs do not like water. So I had to encourage my dog to come near the pool.Here is how I did it.

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