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Winter Dog Names

Angel originates in Greek language and means "God's messenger". In Spanish-speaking countries, it is more common as a masculine given name, whereas in English-speaking countries, it can be used as both feminine and masculine, the feminine one being more frequent. However, it has never gained as much popularity as other names derived from Angel, such as Angela or Angelica.
Anna is most likely a variant of a Hebrew name Hannah, meaning "gracious" or "favored", because in the Bible she was a sincere and merciful woman. Ultimately the name lost its initial 'h'. Anna was the name of many women belonging to Russian royalty, it is also the main character in 'Anna Karenina', a novel by Leo Tolstoy. Together with its many variations, Anna has been a popular female name for many centuries and is constantly topping the name charts.
Aspen originates in English language and is taken from the word for a tree from the Salicaceae family. It is also a famous, luxurious and rather expensive ski resort in the Rocky Mountains in the state of Colorado.
The name Burr is quite interesting because it is believed to have derived from the Middle English “burre” which was actually a seed head that stuck to clothing and was difficult to shake off. In fact, Shakespeare used the term burr to describe a person who was difficult to shake off.
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