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Holiday Dog Names

Angel originates in Greek language and means "God's messenger". In Spanish-speaking countries, it is more common as a masculine given name, whereas in English-speaking countries, it can be used as both feminine and masculine, the feminine one being more frequent. However, it has never gained as much popularity as other names derived from Angel, such as Angela or Angelica.
The name Bell comes from North America,with the meanings that it is unusual for a dog.
The name Blitzen comes from North America,with the meanings that it is unusual for a dog.
Carol is a short form of Caroline. Caroline originates in Germanic languages and means "free woman". It is a feminine form of Carolus, ultimately derived from Charles. Caroline has been one of the most popular feminine given names over centuries and in various spelling in different countries around the world. It was a popular name within royalty, including several queens of Great Britain. Caroline was also the name of Napoleon Bonaparte's younger sister.
The name Cocoa comes from North America,with the meanings that it is unusual for a dog.
Cupid is a Latin term that means “desire”. It is in fact the name of the Greek god of love. The name is very uncommon in English.
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